Modern flying with Weather, Traffic, Autopilot and a lot more to make your flights safe and comfortable.
Fly from Lorain in an SR-20
N208GT - 2006 Cirrus SR-20
Lorain County Regional Airport
Powerplant: 200 hp Continental IO360
Features: Avidyne PFD/MFD, Dual Garmin 650 WAAS, Autopilot, Weather, Traffic, IFR, Safe Taxi
Empty Weight: 2142 lbs.
Max Gross Weight: 3000 lbs.
Useful Load: 858 lbs.
Fuel Capacity: 60.5 Gallons (56 usable)
Fuel Consumption: 11 gal/hr.
Cruise Speed @ 75% Power: 135 KIAS
Member Rate: $219.00/hr
Non-Member Rate: $254.00/hr